This is a short english version of our website – please contact us if we can provide you further information!

Ganze 5 Jahre voller Fokus auf die Power Platform:
Wir digitalisieren Ihr Unternehmen mit Power Apps & Co.
9,5 von 10 Kunden
können gar nicht genug von Coleida bekommen
1.000e Citizen DeveloperInnen
wurden duch uns geschult und inspiriert


Do not hesitate any longer but get started with the Microsoft Power Platform and the Citizen Developer approach:

  • Collect and process data and information in a targeted manner
  • Replace repetitive work & relieve specialists
  • Support agile & hybrid work
  • Strengthen innovation and competitiveness

Citizen Developer – do it youreself

With the low-code technology of the Microsoft Power Platform, even business users without in-depth IT knowledge can create applications and automate business processes – and thus become citizen developers. We are happy to support this with a wide variety of training formats: training courses, workshops, webinars, …

digitization projects – COLEIDA STYLE

We identify and analyze suitable processes in your company, digitize and automate them, connect different systems (if necessary also with existing legacy software) and thus ensure smooth process flows and secure data exchange in your company…



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